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New solar collector factory in Krasnodar Region

500 1
28 September 2011

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The building of a new solar collector factory in Krasnodar Region is planned. The total investment volume is said to be about 52 million Russian Rouble. Construction will most likely begin in 2012.

The Russian solar thermal sector is still a very small industry. Newly installed collector area per year is estimated to be around 15,000 m2 and the total collector area in operation adds up to as little as 100,000 m2. So far, most collectors have been imported to Russia from abroad, in particular from China.

There are only two major collector manufacturers in Russia: Yuzhgeoteplo in Krasnodar Region and company NPO Mashinostroyenia in Moscow.

The largest chunk of the investment costs for the new collector factory is expected to be covered by the authorities of the Krasnodar Krai region. The production output of the new plant could reach 10,000 m2 of collector area per year, making it Russia's largest solar thermal plant. 


  • 22-04-2012


    Хотелось бы знать - выпуск продукции начался или нет ???

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