Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

The sixth energy efficiency area in St. Petersburg

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28 July 2011

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As St. Petersburg administration press service a construction and reconstruction program of heat supply in the area ‘Little Ohta’ was adopted at the meeting of the city government on the 13th of July. The program is meant to last until 2018. The repair of the ‘3rd Krasnogvardeiskaya’ boiler house, the laying of the new gas-pipes and the erecting of 15 heat exchange stations instead of the outdated boiler houses are planned.

As the Committee on Energy and Engineering the project will improve the quality and reliability of heat supply in the area, help to reduce the gas, water and electricity consumption in the dwelling houses and the load on the environment due to the usage of new energy sources. As a result 43 thousand dwellers will receive hot water without interruption in the course of year. The use of new technologies will inspirit the social and economic development of the territory.

The adopted program is a continuation of a strategy for complex reconstruction of heating systems. This will be the sixth energy efficiency area in St. Petersburg after Petrogradsky, Kurortny, Petrodvortsovy, Centralny and Admiralteisky districts.

The financing amount of the programs is 2.5 billion Russian roubles The executor  of the program will be ‘Energy of St. Petersburg’ state unitary enterprise.

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