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A new generation of General VRF-systems

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15 May 2012

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Fujitsu General Ltd. is preparing to introduce its new multi-zone system with the possibility of heat recovery - VR II Heat Recovery. Premiere of the new product is expected in the summer of 2012, in Russia it will be held simultaneously with the presentation on the global market.
VR II Heat Recovery is a three pipe combinatorial system with the possibility of heat recovery, ie simultaneous cooling and heating in a single hydraulic circuit. Equipment in this series is optimal for air-conditioning of small facilities (country house, small hotel, restaurant, shop) and large administrative and office buildings, complexes of more than 100 thousand m2 and with the total cooling capacity exceeding 10 MW.

This is the latest generation of VRF-systems, it has incorporated the best technical development. The range of outdoor units is represented by five modules forming a combination of cooling capacity from 22 to 135 kW. Depending on the power system, the number of indoor units can be up to 64 units. The total load can reach up to 150%. The total length of refrigerant lines can be up to 1000 m (the length of one branch can be no more than 165 m), the height difference between outdoor and indoor units - up to 50 meters.
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