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Akvastorozh Premium: protection against home floods

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28 May 2012

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Group of companies "Akvastorozh" is going to launch an improved product in June 2012, a system of protection against home floods "Akvastorozh Premium". The system "Akvastorozh" version "Premium" has some unique features. The control unit "Akvastorozha Premium" monitors and alerts if there was a broken wire sensor that can happen during repairs as well as by the fault of the animals or children. "Premium" user could observe on the controller exactly what sensor is filled, it is especially actual if there is a large number of sensors. Updated "Akvastorozh" operates with a single set of batteries now three years instead of two, without requiring a network connection 220, and also has a reserve power source based on carbon nanotubes which will block water even in emergency cases.

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